Cindy Chan Phillips Nutrition
Utica, NY

Hi, I am Cindy! So glad you've come to visit! I am a registered dietitian. I help people eat without guilt, so they have the energy to pursue what matters to them in life. I do this via non-diet nutrition coaching services.

You have tried dieting in the past but felt deprived, hungry, and disappointed each time. You feel a lack of energy and wonder if the next new diet may be the answer.

You want to feel vibrant again, but are confused about what to do next. You feel you want to feel confident when around foods. Sometimes you may put up a strong front at work so people would not notice the lethargy you feel inside. You feel perhaps if you can just exert more willpower the weight goal will be within reach. Perhaps you are recently diagnosed with diabetes and feel overwhelmed about the nutritious way to eat, especially with the new medications you are on.

Ready to be free, be confident, and be healthy? Let's chat and see if the nutrition program is the right fit for you.

Book a free discovery call with Cindy:

Read my blog on stress eating:

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Cindy Chan Phillips Nutrition
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Dietitians & Nutritionists