The Chill Sitch
Utica, NY

Shane Joswick was put on this earth for one reason and one reason only…to change people’s lives, and thats exactly what he does. With a prominent social media following, Shane Joswick loves to make people laugh. Whether it may be on twitter (follow him @TheRealShaneJos), or on the “gram” @iamnotshanejoswick *mash that follow button*, Shane really provides great content.

Just overall great content. Shane will hit on many topics, and give you his thoughts on them. There is no set theme of this blog, anything goes with Shane. Nothing is off limits here. If anyone has had the pleasure of meeting Shane, they know how much of a wildcard he is. You never know what you’re going to read/see on The Chill Sitch.

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The Chill Sitch
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